Narender S., Brooklyn, NY
1. What led you to get more engaged with you?
My desire to know my purpose and live in it, as well as uncertainty and fear have summoned me to self-engagement court. I began to read, A Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. It peaked my curiosity about what life meant, and how I could connect with my purpose and live it out.
Twelve years later, I am still trying to figure out my purpose. I have been going through life feeling aimless at times because I don't have a clear answer of my purpose.This has caused much frustration. There is a part of me who believes I have been shown or given reverberations of my purpose. Yet, I feel that God has not given me that simple, "this is it" moment of certainty. Despite this, my yearning and desire to move beyond stagnation and into a higher level of existence have called me to carve out this season for a real journey of self.
2. What actions did you take to get more engaged with you?
I was never one who read the bible on my own, and I still don't. I am working on that. However, fortunate for me, I attend a church that is premised on Scripture, so I have acquired way more biblical understanding than I could have imagined. By becoming more soundly aware of God's character, God's will and desires for me, I have been able to engage myself more with love, forgiveness, acceptance and gratitude. I am becoming less focused on what I do not have and for the first time operating in the now of gratitude for all that I do have.
3. What encouraging words can you give to other women who are desiring to get more engaged with themselves?
Nina Keyes-Reid, Philadelphia, PA
1. What led you to get more engaged with you?
What caused me to get more engaged with my journey, purpose and God was when I realized I wasn't happy with my life. Two years ago, I married my long-time boyfriend of 12 years (together for 11, engaged for 1 1/2). In the beginning, things were great, but overtime our relationship started to deteriorate. Toward the end of our relationship, I began to do some personal development. I also started to build a stronger relationship with God. Eventually, I could see that I wasn't happy, he wasn't happy and our children were suffering because of it.
2. What actions did you take to get more engaged with you?
I began to work on myself by listening to and watching positive material. I started reading books, attended conferences and going to church on a regular basis. I also began eliminating toxic people from my life, which freed me up to become healthier and happier.
3. What encouraging words can you give to other women who are desiring to get more engaged with themselves?
On this journey, what I realized is that I must take care of myself first. I can't take care of my family, if I am a mess. I have to make time for me, and not be afraid to say no to others. I've come to learn, it's okay to walk away from situations that don't serve your highest good.
Cassandra H. Vincent, Baltimore, MD
1. What led you to get more engaged with you?
The feeling and experiences of living an unfulfilled life. I believe that with time, maturity, an overwhelming sense of my God-designed purpose, and the need to experience life more deeply caused me to seek a deeper engagement with myself and the woman I'm evolving into. I've always been a person of self evaluation and reflection. I do it often. When I was honest with myself, I realized how much time and attention I lacked in dedicating to the process of being the best I could be for me. I love this process of self engagement, becoming better acquainted with who Cassandra is, and loving everything about who I've been designed and purposed to be. It's the most liberating and beautiful journey.
2. What actions did you take to get more engaged with you?
My process for becoming more engaged with myself really came down to shutting down much of the busyness, activities, and even interaction of dealing with certain people, in order to get to myself. Again, self evaluation is huge for me, after taking an assessment, I realized that the fullness that I wanted out of life was being hindered by me.
I have found that oftentimes what works best for me is sort of taking a personal retreat; this means "shutting down," retreating to my personal space where I fill myself up with goodness. Goodness from prayer, from the Word of God, good music, healthy eating, and even working out.
It's like my personal detox.
This detox period is especially a sensitive time for me because in removing myself from the things that I need purging, I have to be particularly careful to not fall into any depressing thoughts or challenges. This is why filling up on goodness is so key! When I shut down and detox it's like one of the best things I can do for myself, so that I can be good for me and for the work that I do with others.
3. What encouraging words can you give to other women who are desiring to get more engaged with themselves?
We as women have to become aware of our God-given gifts, natural talents and abilities. These gifts, are a blessing and help us to nurture and birth nations, ideas, and visions --but if we do not take the time to be nurtured, cared for, and well engaged by self, we will struggle with being fully strong and able to carry out the work and purpose we were created for.
It's time that we embrace the beauty and preciousness of our hearts and our temples, so that when we invite others into our lives, they are invited into the life of a well engaged woman! -XO
I hope you enjoyed the testimonials of these women. Maybe what led them to get more engaged (fear, unhappiness, being unfulfilled) is tugging at you too? Let us know by commenting below.
Much Love,
Tiffany Wilson, M.Div aka @tiffytalks
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[Published via Original Website August 20, 2014. Edited, August 4, 2018]
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