Women's Bible Study

Are you lacking peace, patience or joy? Do you feel like in all your achieving, your spiritual life continues to get the back seat? If you're ready to add quality time with yourself and God to your agenda, {FAVRD} is the community for you.
In 2017, {FAVRD} was created for modern women of faith who are chosen, to grow in community. Favored women study the Scriptures to gain wisdom to best navigate our relationships, treasure our temples, and connect with our purpose.
How often do we meet?
Bible Study is held via video conference every Thursday, 6:45-8pm EST. Jan. 23-March 5 [No Bible Study on Feb. 13].
How do you join?

*The {FAVRD} Guide is required and includes:

  • 6 weekly lessons 
  • Reflection questions about the text + topics that women face today
Would you like to make a donation for a woman to join {FAVRD}? CashApp $TiffyTalksLLC

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