Have you ever considered why purpose is important in life? Did you know living a purpose driven life improves your relationships, energy level and your outlook on life? Click here...
Do you ever look at life and think OK enough, I need something new? Trust me, you don’t need the calendar to change to a new year to get started. You can start fresh, click here...
Life coaches use powerful questions to evoke action, and create new awareness. Jesus is the best life coach of all time. These 10 powerful questions will transform you, click here to read...
You're single. You want to be married. You've had conversations with God about what you desire, what else is there to do? Click here for the best advice...
Single woman have you ever been tempted to overlook the signs that the one you like is the wrong man, for you? This article pinpoints 7 signs that can save you time, click here...